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Burker Biospin 9.4T High-Field MRI



Bruker BioSpec 94/20 9.4 Tesla MRI:


     This new high-field, small-bore MR instrument was installed in 2016 and represents a major investment in OPTIC by the HICCC and CUIMC. This powerful instrument is capable of both high-resolution anatomical imaging and a diverse range of functional imaging applications. This instrument uses advanced functional imaging applications, such as: contrast MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging, and spectral imaging. The MRI is overseen by Sun, an MRI physicist with two decades of experience running both research and clinical MR instruments and designing research imaging protocols. Sun has developed and implemented sequences for T1- and T2-weighted imaging (for anatomical imaging); dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging (DCE-MRI) for the measurement of diffusion + perfusion; diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) for measuring short-range diffusion; functional MRI (fMRI) for the analysis of blood flow and central nervous system (CNS) activity; magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for analysis of cardiac function, structure, and blood flow; and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a sophisticated technique that enables the measurement of various high-abundance metabolites in the tissues of living animals over time. The acquisition and launch of the high-field MRI has transformed the focus of OPTIC’s imaging service from primarily anatomical applications to ever more sophisticated functional measurements that reveal the underlying biology of mouse tumors.



















B​ruker BioSpec 94/20 9.4 Tesla MRI

Please note that many novel applications have not yet been performed at CUMC OPTIC. Therefore, use of a specific technique may require development time and/or collaborations with the imaging core and other scientists at CUMC.




The BioSpec series is designed for preclinical and molecular MR imaging and MRI research. State-of-the- art MRI CryoProbe™ technology combined with ultra-high field USR magnets deliver high spatial resolution in-vivo, enabling users to achieve the molecular and cellular level research they desire.

  • zero-boil-off and Nitrogen free magnet technology

  • AVANCE III HD MRI RF architecture incorporating up to 16 receiver, 4 independent and 8 parallel transmitter channels

  • imaging (GRAPPA) for almost all applications including EPI Multiple transmit imaging applications

  • Motorized and software controlled animal positioning system for routine handling and increased throughput

  • self-gated, steady-state cardiac imaging (no external sensor hardware and triggering devices required)

  • RF coil technology for maximum sensitivity and minimum scan times

BioSpec 94/20 USR

  • strength: 9.4 T

  • of clear bore: 200 mm

  • (5 Gauss): +/- 3 m axial, +/- 2 m radial


​Application: Anatomical Imaging

The BioSpec high-field magnetic resonance imager allows for images of your research of the highest caliber possible. Extremely low voxel size and high detail allow for crystal clear imaging of the organs of interest for your research needs. Whether it’s looking for sites of cancer growth in the abdomen, to glioblastoma growth, the MRI allows for consequence free longitudinal imaging throughout your studies. T1 and T2 weighted images allow for multiple methods of high quality morphological imaging and contrast to help identify your regions of interest.





















​T1-Weighted Coronal Image of a Mouse Brain (OPTIC / Yanping Sun)



​​​​​Application: Cardiac Imaging













Dedicated phased-array coils allow for high sensitivity for cardiac imaging of rodents.

Accelerated acquisition allows high temporal resolution applications such as first pass myocardial perfusion. Self-gating methods or real-time physiological triggering enables free breathing functional cardiac investigations on your research animals here at Columbia University.















-Black and Bright Blood Imaging

-First Pass Myocardial Perfusion

-Intragate – Self Gating



Application: Angiography



















     The Bruker BioSpec 9.4 tesla MR has the ability to provide high-resolution images of the blood system within the animals of your research. Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) can find problems within the vasculature of the animal that may be causing issues in blood flow and vessel wall condition. Research into aneurysms, and stenosis of blood vessels are common uses for this imaging type.

















Application: Perfusion/Diffusion Weighted Imaging

The contrast in Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) originates from the difference in amount of diffusion. Regions that have pathologically disturbed diffusion, such as found when multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, stroke, or tumors are present, are easily visible. Greatest sensitivity is achieved with higher b values, which can only be realized with extremely strong gradients. The Bruker BioSpec 9.4 Tesla high-field magnet allows Columbia University Researchers to obtain critical information about:


  • Infiltration

  • Cardiac Infarction

  • Connectivity

  • Stroke




























​​Application: MR Spectroscopy


  • brain, liver, and muscles contain more than just water, and MR spectroscopy makes non- invasive studies of metabolic processes in these tissues possible.

  • metabolic disorders and observe long term changes in metabolic processes even in millimolar concentrations.

  • Higher sensitivity and spectral resolution make this the ideal instrument for spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging of species involving MR-visible nuclei such as 1H, 13C, 19F, 23Na, 31P and others.



























Application: fMRI


Functional MR Imaging requires very high magnet and gradient performance in combination with maximum system stability. The Bruker BioSpec Gradient System allows researchers to collect whole brain image data sets in a single take. Excellent shim performance delivers minimum geometrical Mouse Abdomen distortions even when using echo planar imaging techniques. Unique frequency and phase stability enables even segmented diffusion tensor imaging with EPI.

  • neuroimaging procedure

  • Brain Activity

  • Shows active fibers of the brain, or what has been hindered



Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can help Columbia University Researchers measure and map the brain activity of their research animals in a noninvasive manner. It is being used in many studies to better understand how the brain works, and in a growing number of studies it is being applied to understand how that normal function is disrupted in many different disease states.


Sagittal anatomical cross section of a mouse head (OPTIC / Yanping Sun)

MRI - Brain Cross section.JPG
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Mutant MRI Kidneys.JPG
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LEFT: Isoflurane collection in adipose tissue of mouse abdomen.  Gradient echo image with fluorine image taken two hours post isoflurane anesthesia.    RIGHT: Proton MRS of a normal mouse brain, 10 minute acquisition.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can help Columbia University Researchers measure and map the brain activity of their research animals in a noninvasive manner. It is being used in many studies to better understand how the brain works, and in a growing number of studies it is being applied to understand how that normal function is disrupted in many different disease states.

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